Irish Economics Working paper series

IEA Thematic Research Networks

To foster collaboration and help develop the research ecosystem for Irish economists, the Irish Economic Association (IEA) has established a mechanism whereby IEA members (institutional, individual, corporate) can establish thematic research networks. These networks aim to foster debate, discussion, and research collaborations across the discipline in Ireland. Members are free to propose a network on any research topic of their choice.

The research networks programme has the following aim and objectives:

  • To bring together IEA affiliated researchers to work on shared thematic research areas;
  • To improve information flows on ongoing research amongst research network members;
  • To coordinate and circulate relevant research and papers to network members through a centralised information channel such as mailing lists;
  • To foster collaboration and encourage research partnerships to develop within the economics disciple in Ireland;
  • To hold conferences, workshops and events in the area of thematic research network; and
  • To put forward proposed special sessions for the IEA conferences in the thematic area of the network.

For more information, see here.


IEA Travel Grant Scheme

The goal of the IEA Travel Grant Scheme is to aid in the dissemination and promotion of economic research by economists working on the island of Ireland.  Funding will be awarded based on the quality of the work, the quality of the conference and the benefit of the conference to the applicant’s research, network and career progression, with an emphasis on early career researchers.

For more details and how to apply, click here.


Resources for Economics