Below are some pictures from the recent IEA annual conference held at the Central Bank

ESR Prize

Donal O’Neill and Niamh Holton who won the Brendan Walsh prize for best paper in the ESR this year with editor Martina Lawless


Rowena Pecchenino incoming president of the IEA presenting at the conference

Morgan Kelly

Morgan Kelly presenting at the conference


John McHale

John McHale outgoing President of the IEA


Olivier Blanchard giving the Edgeworth Lecture


Slide from Olivier Blanchard’s Edgeworth Lecture

Wendy Carlin

Wendy Carlin giving the ESR lecture

Conniffe Prize

Alejandra Ramos receives the Conniffe prize for best paper by a young economist at the conference


Benjamin Elsner receives the Norvartis Prize for best health paper at the conference



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