The Society of Young Economists in Ireland, a collaboration of new economists from both business and academia in Ireland, was set up in October 2001 to encourage research, information and social links among economists at the early stages of their careers on the island. The inaugural session was run in Trinity College, Dublin in October 2001 during which a committee was elected consisting of Ronnie O’Toole of Trinity College as Chairman, Claire Hurst of University of Limerick as Vice-Chair, Christopher Sibley of Trinity College as Secretary and Wiepke Wissema as Treasurer.
The first annual AGM will be held on the 23rd February in Galway, organised by Sarah Callanan of Galway. In addition, the society has set up a database of young economic researchers in Ireland, a link to which can be found at the society web page. Those who wish to be included in the database should fill out the form available on-line and send it on to, or Ronnie O’Toole, Department of Economics, Trinity College, College Green, Dublin 2.
A meeting of the Society will also be held at the Annual Conference of the Irish Economic Association in April.
Aim of the Society
The aim of the group is threefold. Firstly, to allow an opportunity to present work in a non-threatening, ‘work-in-progress’ atmosphere to an audience of peers. Secondly, to provide a forum for discussing contemporary economic matters. Finally, to provide a forum whereby potential employers could meet up with potential employees. Ultimately, the aim is to create a network of young economists in Ireland.
Who for?
The Society is intended for anybody who is in their early stages in their career in economics – qualification for membership has nothing to do with age! Membership will come from two broad categories. Firstly, we expect academic members will be either postgraduates (Masters & PhD, research or taught) or people who have started lecturing, though any undergraduate would also be welcome. Secondly, we also expect to have members from private companies and public research bodies, two sectors which employ a substantial number of graduate economists.
Get involved?
The society is just starting out, so we need as many people as possible to get involved. Either get in touch with the Society co-ordinator in your own institution or drop me a line at